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FCSC January Newsletter


January 2024

Howdy y’all! 

Wishing each and every one of you a holiday season filled with immeasurable joy. Gratitude overflows for those who embraced the spirit of giving during our 12 days of Giving. Serving our community alongside devoted volunteers has been an absolute privilege. This season holds a special place in our hearts as many face challenges, and your collective kindness truly makes a difference.

Deep appreciation to Niki Strong and Heather Banner for orchestrating a truly remarkable Operation Deploy Your Dress fashion show. The event was not only a success but also a celebration of delectable food and unparalleled fellowship.

Anticipation builds for the upcoming Wild West Night on March 1st at the Lone-star conference center. To those interested in joining the Wild West planning Committee, please connect with us at Your unwavering support means the world to us. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! 

Courtney Flohr



January Luncheon

Let's roll into a new year with a bowling luncheon on Wednesday, January 17th! Ticket sales end on January 10th at noon. Don't forget to bring a donation for ODYD!


January Sub Club Dates

Bunco Club - January 5th

Mommy & Me Club - January 9th &25th

Lunch Club - January 25th

Wine & Spirits Club - January 20th

Walking Club - TBD

Dinner Club - January 9th

Coffee &Tea Club - January 19th

December Volunteer of Merit

On December 13th we were able to honor Heather Banner through the Helping Hands Award for her unwavering commitment and extraordinary contributions to the FCSC and ODYD! In 2023 alone Heather has logged an astonishing 650 hours into VMIS through orchestrating numerous memorable events such as the ODYD Birthday Bash, and last month's fashion show. She extensively planned sidewalk shops, public hours, and private events so that military dependents had an opportunity to claim their attire for an upcoming event. She also revitalized the clubhouse's flower beds and designed a flawless remodeled men's dressing room. Her commitment is a testament to her dedication to the club and ODYD all while balancing the roles of a military spouse, devoted mother, and having a full-time job. She will be deeply missed! We wish you luck on your next adventure! 

Community Outreach

December was a busy month for Community Outreach!  We successfully completed the 12 Days of Giving and with that came a lot!  Not only did we highlight local organizations through our social media sites, we also gave time and donated items. In total, we were able to donate 26 large packages of wipes, 15 large packages of diapers, baby formula and a variety of miscellaneous baby items to our own Fort Cavazos Food Pantry.  We also donated 40 canned goods, 10 boxed food goods and several other kitchen items to Operation Phantom Support.  

Our wonderful members also spent time volunteering at the Killeen Food Care Center during their open

pantry hours, helped support The Fisher House at their Grinch Day event and decorated cookies, played games and made crafts in hopes to bring a few extra smiles to the children living at Garden of Hope.  

It has been a wonderful month of giving and I couldn't thank you all enough for your continued support.  Every hour spent, every item donated, every like or share of our FB page makes a difference in our community!

This month, we are asking our members to dig through their closets and donate their already worn dresses to help support Operation Deploy Your Dress!  


Operation: Deploy Your Dress

Hello all and Happy New Year!

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Niki and I am your new ODYD shop manager!  I am thrilled to be given this opportunity and will work hard to uphold the standards that Heather created.

I am an Army spouse, a veteran and mother of two boys!  Like many of you, my talents vary from being a daily scheduler, a chef, a taxi driver, a therapist, an event coordinator, a teacher, and the list goes on, however, this is my first time sitting on a board!  I am also really into fitness, food, and shopping!  I instantly fell in love with ODYD, to me, there is nothing better than helping someone feel beautiful and confident in their own skin!  I aim to help as many people as possible find the perfect dress or suit that does exactly that!   


The next few months will be a learning curve for me so please bear with me as I get settled into this new position.  The shop will continue to need the support from its amazing volunteers so continue to follow Fort Cavazos ODYD Volunteers Facebook page and the Fort Cavazos - Operation Deploy Your Dress Facebook page for future opportunities! I look forward to seeing all of you at the shop and around Fort Cavazos this year! 

Niki Strong




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